Organized by Elanco and Heifer International
The Elanco Speaker, Kevin Watkins, presented data that in 1990's we were getting ahead of hunger in the world and the number of those hungry was going down at a good rate. Then in this last decade the number of those in hunger has risen to some of the highest levels seen. He talked about how improving hunger improved almost all aspects of their live. Improved performance in school, better health on several metrics, improved economic situation. He showed how one glass of milk and 2 ounces of protein a day was all that was needed to supplement diets and see measurable improvements.
The Heifer International speaker, an organization which gets livestock into the hands of poor and hungry, do complex engineering of their lives. They teach them how to manage the environment and their livestock. They are taught how to use the animal waste for fuel and fertilizing, how to use hoses to irrigate their fields, how to have safe fireplaces and burn fuel safely(one of the largest sources of death and disease in the third world). They have developed models of how to work in these communities and get the most bang for the buck.
You cannot just give them food. You have to ensure that what you do is sustainable. They require 'Pass-On' were they person getting the livestock shares the result. i.e. community that received ducks the fertile eggs are shared so more and more in the community can support themselves and self perpetuate.
10:00 a.m.
"Starving for Knowledge: Nutrition, Brain Development, & Education"
Mary Minter Hanson, Global Health Consortium: introduced panel. Dr Shah, not on panel, organized the GHC to work on health issues . It is a consortium of all the colleges and Univ. in Iowa.
Dr Robert Zore, Millennium Dev Goal. $ of seven are health related. Underrate/stunting/wasting is simply precursor to child mortality.Uganda: 17% underweight, 38%stunting, 128/1000 child mortality
Two Students will present their work on brain development.
Heme is critical for Brain development. Need to make sure you get enough iron. If not your brain does not get enough oxygen. Iron is the #1 deficiency in the world. Vit C is critical for brain development. Need to get it continuously not in spirits. Countries with high vit C production have some of the highest deficiency since it is exported.
Vit D. New appreciation of importance. Controls 900 genes in the Brain. Motor development, socialization.
Dr Jenifer Hall on impact of Iowan food on other countries.
Lindsey Willstra Grad Student,
Organized by the Heartland Global Health Consortium
11:00 a.m.
“Local and Regional Food Systems:
Countering Food Insecurity in Iowa”
Organized by ISU Extension and the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture
Food Insecurity, access to food on a regular basis. 11% of Iowa do not have enough food. Leads to poor health, physical limitations, more chronic illness, stomach and headaches, more hospitalizations, anxiety and depression, psychosocial dysfunction.
Rich Pirog: Leopold Center
Supply of food. How do we build a local food system. Leopold Center State funded on tax on nitrogen fertilizer. Leopold center charged by legislature to develop sustainable local food plan. 12 key issues to developing a Local food economy:
- financing
- incentives to farm
- Access to land
- Insurance
- Education-tech
- Regulations and policy
- workforce
- Aggregation/distribution
- Marketing Network
- Consumer Ed
- Data Collection
- Resources to pay for programs
Angie Tagtow, Iowa access &health working Group. Emerging group just launched 3/10 six meetings so far. 32 partners,
Brenda Ranum,Iowa food and fitness initiative
Link health with food. Work in 6 counties in NE Iowa only 100,000 people. Ensue school district policies support healthy living. Local food procurement policies, Farm to school program. Goal two: Ensure local healthy food is available, mini-grants and micro-loans, food safety Certificate process , regional food directory. food sales by farmers increased 1.2 million $'s.
Bahia Barry, Southwest Iowa food and farm initiative.
Least populated counties and also most elderly area in Iowa. Mission: build a sustainable regional food system that link production, processing, distribution and consumption. Successes,connecting farmers to farmers markets, awareness building, Farm to School, Link Urban rural projects, Moving forward: issues- infrastructure, transportation, aging populating. Encourage increased participation in human food based agriculture. Increase fresh food in emergency food supply.
12:00 p.m.
The World Food Prize presents the “Hunger Luncheon,” featuring meals used by Iowa-based organizations in food assistance and hunger-relief efforts.
Keynote Address by Tony Hall, director of the Alliance to End Hunger and three-time Nobel Peace Prize nominee
Ambassador Quinn welcomed everyone and told about in this fourth year there is a record attendance.
FDL Financial and Iowa Farm Bureau pledges to sponsor this Hunger Summit for the next five years. $150,000 donation toward the Hall of Laureates.
Ambassador Tony Hall was charged by GW Bush to Feed the world and end insecurity. He has been to 130 nations in the world. 1984 was in Ethiopia during worst famine. OUr elected officials have fallen way short of what the public wants. During the next few eeks go ask the candidates about hunger issues. Mother Teresa: What I do is a drop in the Ocean not a bucket but without out it there would be one less drop.
efforts to reduce hunger in Iowa
Last year in 2009.
$ 8,720,000
15,600,000 pounds of food
451,000 hours
This year 2010 in Iowa.
9,380,125 dollars
18,266,006 pounds
539,086 hours.
Side conference on agriculture and health and nutrition. This was amazing. It was like being a fly sitting on the wall. Here were seventeen of the Worlds leading experts on Hunger(see links). Almost everyone has a wiki page. They were discussing how to organize a conference coming up. It was amazing to see this level of negotiating and international discussion. I learned a lot.
Prabhu Pingali from the Gates Foundation.
Rajul Panlya-lorch
Why despite economic growth in India the poverty levels have remained high. We are trying to see how economic growth ensures less poverty and better health.
Conference in India. This is the planning meeting. for "Leveraging Agriculture for improving nutrition and health"
How do you nutritionalize agriculture.
The summary of the conference schedule was reviewed.
Sukhadeo Thorat: Need to improve nutritional value not just quantity of food.
Barbara Underwood: Nutritional impact.
Peter McPhearson: have to make sure that the three professions: Agriculture, Nutrition and Health all need to internalize the other two arms of the conference and not just give lip service to it.
Emmy Simmons: Are we actually do what the title says or not be about production alone but about all aspects of the food-eating - health train.
MERIDITH Soule:Are we really getting into the nutritional and the consumer choice part.
DEREK yach:Health relation from this needs to be greater. Also the issue of livestock. Sweden when they saw that CV was major cause of death they changed their entire food chain to take care of this.Need to deal with satiety and affordability. Need to address subsidy issues.
Bibi Giyose:We need to discuss the systems to implement the changes. without a good system this will not work.
daSilverta Pimleiro:We need to ensure the quality and that contaminated food is not produced/shipped/sold/consumed.After conference make sure those suggestions are implemented.
Prabhu Pingali : Obesity needs to be addressed also. Session on governance and excluded populations, we also need discussion on excluded regions.
Kabba Joiner: We have to avoid a one size fits all solution. The side session on communication tools. Health people cannot communicate. NCD's (non-communicative diseases) What went wrong that increased NCD's. We are all individually comfortable in our comfort zone and we do not like to move out of them. We need to make sure people move out of their comfort zone.
Christian Henckes:Describe at beginning of conference what our view of the future How can it look like. Then let conference figure out how to get there.
Lisa Dreler: How can you create the institutional structure that comes out of the suggestions.
Marie Ruel:Make sure nutrition and health are not just outcomes but are the driving force. The first 1000 days. The target group for malnutrition health vs food born disease health is critical and a big gap.
Stuart Gillespie:How do we design and implement nutrition sensitive agricultural issues. There are very few examples. How do we make visible joint incentives.How do we find all the stakeholders that we don't know about now( suggest to him a moderated poster session.
Peter McPherson: How can we make the 3 disciplines see that they are overlapping? That is the dominant theme I hear here.
Prabhu Pingali: The title is fine. Most of these populations are primarily agricultural and not nutritionists or health workers. You don't want to lose their ability to be good farmers.
Derek: Get historians to present how these three fields were historically linked in Hippocrates, Maimonides.
Shenggen fan: Summed up what everyone said and discussed the plans for the up coming conference.